Who you are is not your choice but who you become is your choice. Are you a chimp?.

The only different between you and a chimp is the level of consciousness that you were gifted.

You were obviously gifted with it for some reason (ie: greatness), so why is it  that some people choose to not exercise their God give talent?
No one forces you to ignore yourself
No one forces you to not move forwards
No one forces you to buy into a bullshit story
No one forces you not to take action on your dreams.
So why do people REFUSE to honour their gift and honour themselves and STAY STUCK?
Simple....Because they are afraid.
They are afraid of what truths they might uncover when they go inside.
They are afraid of what they might look like to other people if they 'fail'.
They are afraid of living with the perceived 'burden' of true success.
But the things is - NONE OF THAT IS REAL.
What you CHOOSE to focus on and how you CHOOSE to perceive it is running your life right now.
Regardless of how 'asleep' you might appear to be or you might like to think you are, we both know that you're wide awake.
You're just choosing to stay stuck behind the bullshit story you tell yourself.
To waste it away?
To piss it up the wall?
To live somebody else's life?
I don't think so!
There is LITERALLY nothing holding you back from moving forward powerfully than the shit you CHOOSE tell yourself and the shit you CHOOSE to buy into.
Why can't you afford THE BEST coach? Aren't you worth it?
Why can't you SERVE how you want? Aren't you worth it?
Why can't you have the FREEDOM you want? Aren't you worth it?
The chances you even being alive right now and reading this are 1 in 40,000,000,000!
Don't let bullshit hold you back.
Don't buy into the perfectionist identity we're led to believe is what we need.
Don't buy into bullshit fears that aren't real.
You only make REAL what you want.
That comes from focus and perception.
So what do you want to focus on right now?
All the reasons why not and live in stress, struggle and sacrifice?
Or all the reasons why to and live in abundance and freedom.
The choice is yours and you're the ONLY living organism on the planet that has that choice.


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